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Reliable Lawn Irrigation Solutions

Apex Irrigation is an industry leader and provider of reliable lawn irrigation systems for homeowners in the Metro Atlanta area. From design and installation to routine maintenance and emergency repair services, we go above and beyond to ensure your property has the most efficient and eco-friendly irrigation system available in today’s market. For a beautiful, healthy lawn all year round, hire the experts in lawn irrigation at Apex Irrigation today.

backyard irrigation system

Irrigation Design and Installation

Our irrigation specialists are the certified experts you need to develop an effective, economical watering system customized to your property and designed to provide outstanding, long-lasting results. We’ll consult with you to gain a better understanding of your specific needs and then create a custom, professionally designed layout that best suits your lawn. Utilizing only the finest quality, state-of-the-art irrigation equipment and technology, along with trenchless installation practices, we’ll install your new irrigation system that delivers the highest standards of efficiency and water conservation.

man adjusting sprinkler

Irrigation System Repairs

As your irrigation repair specialists, we are highly trained and capable of accurately identifying any issues you may be experiencing with your irrigation system. Every repair starts with a comprehensive evaluation to assess the extent of work required to restore the integrity of your system. Before any work is performed, we’ll explain every detail of needed repair and provide you with suggestions to improve your system’s efficiency. With upfront, transparent pricing along with weekend and emergency repairs available after hours, we’re here to make sure your irrigation system is back up and running properly in no time.

Irrigation Maintenance Services

Our team of specialists is available all year long to provide the professional maintenance services you need to maintain the health of your lawn. Along with addressing normal irrigation system wear and tear, Apex Irrigation offers worry-free service agreements that include spring start-ups with a comprehensive evaluation and adjustments, and mid-summer checkups, and winterization services.

Contact Our Irrigation Specialists Today